Wicket bags - MasterPack

Wicket bags

Polymeric bags for bakery products, chicken carcasses, other foods and household goods are called wicket bags


Their distinguishing features are the valve and two knockouts that allow you to place the bags automatically in a pile onto the spokes of the equipment.
Wicket bags have a strong side seam; they are easily separated and ideal for automatic and manual packing.
For production of wicket bags we use such materials as: HDPE, LDPE, BOPP, CPP, etc.
The most popular material for such kind of packaging is cast polypropylene film (CPP film), which lets you wrap the hot bread. Its properties also help to maintain the freshness of food.

«Master – Pack» produces wicket bags with the following characteristics:

  • Wicket bag can be made with company logo and contact details of the customer.
  • Wicket bag can be made of various sizes and thicknesses.
  • These packages can be made with a round bottom (often called "chicken"); with the bottom fold, which increases the volume of the package; with additional holes which provide ventilation of packaged products; with special perforation in the valve that makes it easy to detach from the stack while manual packing.

Value is formed depending on the format, quantity, thickness of material, number of colors.


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